Re: [gtk-list] CTree confusion/bug

Hi, Lee.

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Lee wrote:

> Hi,
> I've run into some confusion while using the CTree widget.
> What I wish to do is a gtk_ctree_post_recursive call on a node, which
> will then refresh the pixmap of that node (leaving the text label
> intact), according to some condition.
> However, the result I get is that the pixmap is changed, but the labels
> are for the most part completely garbled.
> I have included a function below, which when called from a
> gtk_ctree_post_recursive() shows the problem.
> I can send the entire test program which demonstrates this, if required,
> but I suspect the problem is more likely a misunderstanding on my part.
> Here's a test function I'm using...
> void pixmap_refresh (GtkCTree *tree, GtkCTreeNode *node) {
>    extern int state;
>    guint8 spaces;
>    gchar *node_text;
>    gboolean is_a_leaf, open;
>    GdkBitmap *red_file_map, *orange_file_map;
>    GdkPixmap *red_file, *orange_file;
>    GtkStyle *style;
>    style = gtk_widget_get_style (window1);
>    /* Just creating 2 GdkPixmap's */
>    orange_file = gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d (window1->window,
> 					       &orange_file_map,
> 					       &style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL],
> 					       (gchar **) orange_file_xpm);
>    red_file = gdk_pixmap_create_from_xpm_d (window1->window,
> 					    &red_file_map,
> 					    &style->bg[GTK_STATE_NORMAL],
> 					    (gchar **) red_file_xpm);
>    node_text = (gchar *) malloc (100);
>    memset (node_text, 0, 100);
Delete two previous lines.
>    /* Get everything about the node except the pixmaps */
>    gtk_ctree_get_node_info (GTK_CTREE (tree),
> 			    GTK_CTREE_NODE (node),
> 			    &node_text, &spaces,
> 			    NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
> 			    &is_a_leaf, &open);
>    /* printf shows the node label to have been grabbed correctly. */
>    printf ("Node label is %s.\n", node_text);
Insert here the following command:

node_text = g_strdup(node_text);

>    /* Dependant upon state, change the node's pixmap fields */
>    if (state == 1) {
>       gtk_ctree_set_node_info (GTK_CTREE (tree), 
> 			       GTK_CTREE_NODE (node),
> 			       node_text,
> 			       spaces, orange_file, orange_file_map,
> 			       orange_file, orange_file_map,
> 			       is_a_leaf, open);
>    } else {
>       gtk_ctree_set_node_info (GTK_CTREE (tree), 
> 			       GTK_CTREE_NODE (node),
> 			       node_text,
> 			       spaces, red_file, red_file_map,
> 			       red_file, red_file_map,
> 			       is_a_leaf, open);
>    }
And here insert the next line:


> }

When you call gtk_ctree_set_node_info, it destroys old label of the node
and only after that it set new label to your new text. But in your case
old and new labels are the same pointers :(

Andrew Klochkov

p.s. sorry for my english, i'm russian :)  

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