[gtk-list] Re: Bug or Changes in the entry widget? (fwd)

>Some data:
>Signals are connected in:    world.c:14[12]
>Signals are implemented in:  world.c:557 and world.c:610
>To see the `bug' create a new world (doesn;t matter what it is), and type
>some text in the white input line and watch the stdout .... :(

The last || in world.c:678 should have been removed, it removes that space

   ~     Gert, Gs2, The Blue Mage - whatever you prefer
  'v'    E-Mail   : Gs2@dds.nl
 // \\   Computer : nowmoo.demon.nl
/(   )\  Project  : gMOO, a MOO (and MUD) client for the unises
 ^`~'^   HomePage : http://www.nowmoo.demon.nl

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