Re: [gtk-list] Re: widechar support

[ Ionutz Borcoman writes ]
> Philip Brown wrote:
> > ...
> > But when I set the font to "kanji24", a wide-char JIS font, suddenly...
> > gdk_draw_string() doesn't even get CALLED?!!!
> > 
> > (and yes, the button goes blank, even though I have a JIS string in there.
> >  So, presumably NO draw routine is being called. And i have printfs in
> >  the other gdk_draw functions)
> > 
> > Could some GTK internals guru give a hint as to what is happening here?
> > ...
> As a non-guru I can say this: 
> - did you changed the font to a Japanese one ? I can display Japanese in
> everything (lists, buttons, labels, trees, text widgets, ...)
> - if you want mixed Japanese + Romaji code you need a *font set*. 

Say WHAT? Why a "font set" ?  What IS a font set?

"kanji24", aka

has both romaji and kanji in it, as a single font. It's what I use for kdrill.

I have test code, which I could 'post' if more people had interest. In
synopsis, I have:

   char fname="fixed";
   /*blah  blah gtk grab font, etc, set in 'style' object, etc*/

    gtk_widget_set_style(label, style);
This works fine, and gdk_draw_string gets called.

If ALL I DO is change the first line to 
   char fname="kanji24"

gdk_draw_string doesn't even get *CALLED*. Which is a shame, because if it did
get called, it looks like it would display it properly.

And I'm reasonably sure the font is getting picked up in gtk, because my
call to    gdk_font_load (fname)   returns a pointer, not a NULL.

> - for locale I used these 
> ...

I just now tried setting locale. I get

  couldn't set locale correctly
  Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library

So this is not a valid crossplatform hack, but a glibc hack, and/or something
that only works if you have full ja locale support on your computer, which I

[Why do people care? Consider that netscape has options for displaying all
 KINDS of funky charsets, even without a locale for those regions. That
 wouldn't be there, if people didn't want it]

(I tried using 

> style "japanese"
> {
>   fontset="-adobe-times-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*,
>       -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--14-*-*-*-*-*-jisx0208.1983-0"
> }

Oh. I think you meant to say above:

"you need a fontset if you want to display mixed ENGLISH and kanji, not
"kanji and romaji"

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