Automatic bindings generator

Hello! In my spare time, I help maintain Gwydion Dylan, an obscure but fun
language: <>.

We looked around for an attractive, popular widget set written in C and
chose Gtk+. We're working on complete Glib and Gtk+ bindings, but this will
take a while.

In the meantime, we've written a pretty cool tool which might be of use to
other Gtk+ users. It's similar to SWIG or C::Scan--it parses C headers and
could be extended to generate C bindings.

So here's my offer: if people are interested, I could periodically provide
an easy-to-parse file containing everything in the Gtk+ headers. I could
even try to "reassemble" the various Gtk+ objects into single, high-level
declarations. This would all be done automatically, using pristine versions
of the headers as input.

Would this be of use to anyone? It would be simple enough for me to provide.


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