Re: [gtk-list] file selector

For whatever reason, the current file selector doesn't seem to let you
navigate directories whose names begin with a dot. It would be nice to
have a hide/unhide feature for dot files and directories.

-Manni wrote:
> There was some discussion about a better file selection box a week or two ago,
> but I don't think anyone actually said they were working on anything (probably
> misremembered).
> So before I waste a few days, is anyone fiddling with this widget?  I've got
> some file selection code left over from an old Motif app I'm starting to put
> in. It does the following:
> * files-of-type filtering
> * a combo widget at the top, rather than the option_menu
>     - tab-completion in the combo dir dir names
>     - you can put your own stuff in the history list
>     - history items show all dirs visited, not just dirs on path to root
> * something to automatically set/change the suffix for you
>     - files-of-type is set to TIFF, user types "fred", altered to "fred.tif"
>     - files-of-type is changed from TIFF to JPEG/JFIF, file name
>       changed from "fred.tif" to "fred.jpg"
>     - set files-of-type to all to disable this "feature"
> * environment vars in filenames
>     - you can put "$PHOTOSHOP_HOME/demos" in the history, for example
> * single-click to switch dirs in dir-list
>     - heck, I prefer it anyway
> * better preservation of the selected filename
>     - switching dirs does not zap the filename you typed in, wooo!
> John
> --
> John Cupitt,, +44 (0)171 930 2108
> VASARI Lab, The National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London, WC2N 5DN
> --
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Manni Wood, Senior Programmer/Analyst, Strategic Interactive Group
800 Boylston Street, Boston, MA, 02199
ph 617 867 1881 . fx 617 867 1111 .

    "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."
                                                         -- Lao-zi

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