Re: Bug in gtk 1.2?

Ketil Froyn <> writes:

> Hi.
> I don't know if I've met with a bug in gtk or my own program here, but I
> don't think this one is my fault :)
> What happens is that I have a window with quite some buttons and a
> progressbar. Now, everything worked fine until i started using the
> progressbar. After I added 
> if(gtk_events_pending()){
>   gtk_main_iteration();
> }
> to my loop, the following happens:
> The button that calls the function containing this loop gets
> oversensitive after it is pressed the first time . By this I mean that if
> i point at the button, it is depressed (this did not happen before i
> pressed it the first time, in the same run of the program). Now, this is
> not so bad, but whenever I press anywhere in the the entire window, the
> oversensitive button gets a button_pressed event, and the function is
> called again. 
> This bug disappears if I comment out the code above from my program.

Sounds like things are getting highly confused ... I don't
think this has anything thing with the gtk_main_iteration()

My guess is that it has something else to do with something
else you are doing. A trimmed down piece of code that
demonstrates the behavior could help in figuring out
what that is.
> I use gtk 1.2.0. Should I upgrade to 1.2.1?

That's unlikely to help with this, though it isn't a bad
idea in general.


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