Another newby question

Hi gtk-world,

I would like to create a new compose widget in gtk+. It will
have basically a container widget as a parent clas (may be a
gtk_frame), and blocks with information (the user will get
information from this "block" in the form of tooltips, so
may be I will use simply an array of pixmaps, 'cos the shape
of these block can be non-rectangular). 

I show here a bit of code I'm trying to use to implement
this. But when I try to add this widget to any container in
the main program, and show it, the program crash (** ERROR **: 
sigsegv caught). The problem must be in this code, ...  but I
cannot find anything!

BTW., is pretty similar to the tictactoe example... but this
doesn't work ;-) 

Thanks in advance,

  J C 
602-"Well, he's got the arrow point cocked against my
temple, so when he lets go of the drawstring, it should
just stay there, right?"
	("FAMOUS LAST WORDS", collected by O.Rosenkranz)
   *    J. C. Gonzalez                   
  .     ------------------------------------------------------------  
  .     Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik        Tel.: +49 89 32354445
   .    (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut)           Fax : +49 89 3226704   
     *  Foehringer Ring, 6          ... . .... . ..... ......... .. 
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