Re: [gtk-list] Best tool ?



//Here's what I found for memory checking:
//- checker
//- ccmaloc
//- electric-fence
//My programs are and will be in C++.

I have used ccmalloc, which I find to be fairly useful. It has been said on 
this list that some gtk+ developers use electric fence, so somebody (else) on 
this list must have an opinion about that. :)

//For distribution:
//- automake
//- autoconf
//- libtool

Those are complementary. Libtool, I believe, is used to compile static and 
dynamic libraries. If your product is a single monolithic program, you'll not 
need libtool for that. Automake and autoconf are used together to increase 
portability and ease of compilation.

//What should I use for documenting (making man pages, info and/or html
//docs) ? 

Erm, you might want to look at DocBook, an SGML format (?) that can generate 
lots of kinds of documentation. Somebody posted pointers to that recently on 
this list...


FWIW, YW, but YMMV. :)


I skate, therefor I am.

Self-professed nerd of Mathematics and Computer Science.

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