[gtk-list] Is the win32 port being integrated?

Per Abrahamsen writes:
 > I saw on /. that there now is a win32 port of gtk, but the
 > announcement didn't seem very enthusiastic.  Are there any further
 > plans for it, i.e. will it integrated into the mainline sources?

As far as it is up to me, it can and should be integrated. I keep my
sources up-to-date with the CVS versions.

I have earlier uploaded Win32 diffs to GLib, but I retracted them
after some discussion. One thing that caused some disagreement was
that I used to mark each exported function (and variable) in glib.h
with the word GLIBAPI which expanded to __declspec(dllexport),
__declspec(dllimport), or empty, depending on what is being compiled
and on what system.

A couple of days ago I decided to change my policy, removed all that
FOOAPI stuff from the glib, gdk and gtk headers, and now list exported
entrypoints in .def files... This makes keeping the headers up-to-date
easier (diffs apply straight), but OTOH new APIs must be hand-edited
into the .def file.

Only exported variables need to be marked now. To avoid this, perhaps
it would be a good idea not to have any exported variables in the
libraries at all, but instead export just accessor functions to
library-private variables? Hmm, OTOH this might be a bit overly
complex and induce overhead considering all the variables in
gtk/gtktypebuiltins.h and hoe much they are used by gtk.

I guess I'll soon submit a new GLib patch. GDK, GTK and GIMP patches
will follow once I think the Win32 version is reasonably well-behaved
and stable.

(Code snapshots are at http://www.vtt.fi/tte/staff/tml/gimp/win32/ .
The binary snapshots there are currently a bit outdated.)


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