Re: [gtk-list] ANNOUNCE: GTK+ 1.0.6 Released

>>>>> "Shawn" == Shawn T Amundson <> writes:

    Shawn> GTK+ 1.0.6 is now available at
    Shawn>  This is a maintaince
    Shawn> release of the stable version, and so all of the changes
    Shawn> are bug fixes.

GTK+ 1.0.6 includes the files:


which are all 0-byte files. (?!) This causes 'make' in the docs/
directory to think the info target has already been built, so it does
not build the info files any more.

The 'clean' target in docs/Makefile should remove these files, but it
doesn't, so I have to rm them by hand in my Debian package building
scripts to force make in docs/ to build the info files now.


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