Re: [gtk-list] Re: announce: yet another gtk+ C++ wrapper

> could be true, but the signal dispatching that although is very good did'nt
> meet
> my requirements, but you should wait a little bit before to judge, VDK 0.3 is
> coming with a completely new designed dispatching  system.

What exactly do you need in gtk-- signal frame that isn't 
there?  What API front end are you hoping from a signal frame? 

I was one of the people who most recently rewrote part of gtk-- signal
frame, and I would love to find some feature that would be useful to
the users.  I have proposed a number of extentions to it, but
most were deemed not necessary.  

If you need some feature added that would make it suitable for
VDK as well as gtk--, it could be added and thus save you from
having to reinvent.   

(The back end is scedualed for a revision once we hit 1.0, at
which time major feature requests will likely be revisited.) 


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