Re: File and Font selection box ideas [long] (was Re: GNOME and the File selection dialog box)

> Just spend some hours adding a new gnome_font_selection_with_default ()
> function to libgnomeui and then found out that there's also a Gtk Font
> selection dialog which is much better ...

The idea is to phase our our current gnome-font-selector and just
use the one in Gtk, as the author has promised to adapt the
GtkFontSelector to fit the gnome needs as well.

> The `GtkFileSelection' widget should be subclassed from GtkFrame and not
> GtkContainer and not even GtkNotebook: you can include a GtkFrame in a
> GtkContainer and you can include a GtkContainer in a GtkNotebook with less
> then ten lines of code but not the other way around.

I do not understand the argument here.  Can you show us a detailed
example of why we should use a GtkFrame as the base widget?

> For instance, when a new file/font is choosen, it should emit a signal to
> itself and let the signal handler either accept or refuse the selected
> file/font. One can then subclass `GtkFileSelection' to `GnomeFileSelection'
> and use the signal handler to to specific things when a file/font is selected.

I do not like this approach.  An interface that shows me lots of fonts
and the complains about not being able to use one is pretty bad.  I
like more the idea of the filter which was suggested by the
GtkFontSelector author: You pass a number of criteria about the fonts
that can be shown and only those are shown.

> > > My idea is to have the GTK file selection (or - more generally	    
> > > spoken - all metawidgets like filesel, colorsel, fontsel...) so extensible,
> > > extended with hooks for nearly anything that a specific GNOME file selection
> > > could be done without hazzle by subclassing the GTK file selection. 
> No. I disagree.
> Ok, at the moment you can't subclass the GTK file selection - so you're right.
> But for the future we should use my idea above - if you don't like subclassing:

I like Martin's proposal (ie, subclass the Gtk file selection).


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