Re: dialog: ANNOUNCE

Re: dialog: ANNOUNCE.

After three week's hard effort + 50k source code rows
Victus neuro-fuzzy expert system has been ported to gtk+.
It looks fine, it works fine, but still one minor detail remains, this:

for (i=0;i<12;i++)
  file gtkcontainer.c: line 346 (gtk_container_add): "widget->parent == NULL"

As earlier reported they are due to this:
(and similiar dialogs)

void create_dialog(
GtkWidget *father)	/* top level window */
    GtkWidget *vbox;
    GtkWidget *table, *hbox;
    GtkWidget *button, *label;

/*  Create a new dialog window. A dialog is just like a normal window
**  except it has a vbox and a horizontal seperator packed into it. */
    dialog = gtk_dialog_new();
    dialog->parent = father;
    gtk_container_border_width(GTK_CONTAINER(dialog), 10);
    gtk_widget_set_uposition(dialog, 250, 250);
    gtk_widget_reparent(dialog, view);	/* scrolled window */

It looks about this:

>What I want, is to have a dialog on my scrolled window
>without window manager decoration. Just like this:

	|		pulldown menu				|
	|     |v|	hruler					|
	|  p  | |-----------------------------------------------|
	|     |r|         scrolled window                       |
	|  a  | |                                               |
	|     |u|       ---------------------------------       |
	|  n  | |       |       popup dialog            |       |
	|     |l|       |                               |       |
        |  e  | |       ---------------------------------       |
	|     |e|                                               |
 	|  l  | |-----------------------------------------------|
	|     |r|	message window				|

>I want to pop them up by pulldown menu calls.
>They are hided by some button attached to the dialog.
>Xaw does it simply by this:
>dialog = XtCreateWidget("diaboksi", boxWidgetClass, parent,
>			diabox_args, XtNumber(diabox_args));

Of course, I can use:


Not very much harm is caused by these warnings,
but the app isn't quite clean, though.

As can be seen I use those dialog types extensively.
There are several situations in which I can't figure out
some other solution, for example the fuzzy rule base editor,
which must have a drawing are to draw membership functions
and some kind of a widget to edit rule base at the same time.


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