Re: GtkEditor widget status?

Ben Gertzfield wrote:
> Hi, folks. I got a request from a Debian GNU/Linux user of the GTK+
> packages for the GtkEditor widget
> ( to be patched into the
> Debian GTK+ packages.
> I'd like to first check the status of the patches; the above web-page
> says that only syntax highlighting via the GNU regex library is
> currently working. Is the GtkEditor widget going to be moved into
> the main GTK+ tree any time soon?

Would it possible to provide add-ons as separate packages / libraries?

For me this would look like a clean solution until the patches are
officialy accepted by the Gtk authors.

I see a bunch of improvements for the Gtk but I don't see ACK's
from the authors that the patches will be included in the next
release.  I don't want to make the Debian packges incompatible
with the regular ones.

Thus, would it be possible to create libsomefeature-gtk or
libsomefeature-gtk1.1 (or similar) providing the add-on so users can
make use of it and dpkg-shlibeps would print out the correct dependency.

This would mean that the user would have to link against
libsomefeature-gtk until the patches got accepted upstream.

Would this be feasable?



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