Re: [gtk-list] Hershey fonts are now supported!!


Could you explain a bit or indicate where can i get info about hershey fonts?

żIn what ways is diferent this from projects such as freetype?

        Juan Pablo

Sergei O. Naoumov wrote:

> Hi!
> I just finished porting Hershey font support to Gtk. I got the bits and
> pieces from the GNU libplot, and adopted them. All the Hershey fonts (Roman,
> Cyrillic, Japanese, Symbols, etc.) are supported, as well as a little syntax
> parser, so one can freely write mathematical expressions. The picture is
> available:
> The question I have is this. If the maintainers of Gtk+ agree, this piece
> can be included into the core Gtk+, as there are only two functions: one
> sets the font parameters, and the other actually draws a Hershey string on
> an arbitrary drawable. Otherwise, I'll make a little add-on thing (I don't
> even know how to call it, for it is not a widget. Nor it is an application.)
>         Sergei
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