Re: style/rcfile question

Scott Stone <> writes:

> OK, Is it possible to have two buttons in the same window look different?
> Ie, if I create a style 'specialbutton1', I can say:
> widget "specialwindow1.*GtkButton*" style "specialbutton1"
> and then define my main window as being named 'specialwindow1', and then
> the buttons look right.  But, can I do something like:
> widget "specialbutton1" style "specialbutton1"
> and just name an individual button 'specialbutton1'?  I tried, didn't
> work.  I tried:
> widget "specialbutton1.GtkButton" style "specialbutton1"
> as well, which the tutorial says should work (with a 'confirm this'
> sidenote).  Didn't work either.  What's the right way?

widget "*.specialbutton1" style "specialbutton1"

(If you also want the style to apply to the label inside the
 button, you might want:

widget "*.specialbutton1*" style "specialbutton1"


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