Re: [gtk-list] Re: GDK_WINDOW_TEMP

On 14 Oct, George scribbled:
->  On Sun, Oct 11, 1998 at 08:17:32PM +0200, Adam Kopacz wrote:
->  > > ->  thanx but qiv should work with all WM.. thr temp stuff works with 90% or
->  > > ->  so..
->  > > ok - but you have a borken application then - _TEMP is for TEMPORARY
->  > 
->  > why ? it WORKS... not 100% but it works better then the "normal way"..
->  actually it doesn't ... consider that the user wants to switch
->  desktops to do something ... or what if the user wants to raise the window
->  after putting an xterm on top of it ... if any app is not managed by the
->  WM .. I won't run it ... it is too broke .. it won't be in windowlists ...
->  I can move it around ... it will be in every desktop ... I can't raise/lower
->  it ... 
->  there are very very special cases in which using override redirect is very
->  slightly ok .. such as the panel .. but even there I took it as a very very
->  temporary meassure ... and there is NO way to make the panel work otherwise
->  under a standard WM ... hopefully most WMs will implement the icewm hints
->  and we won't have to worry about it

panel is not actualkly a managed client (corner panels, drawers and
panel):) if it detects a gnome-compliant WM around.. :) Currently only
E 0.15 in CVs will be detected properly.. ICEWM is 90% of the way there
- needs to add about 5 lines of code (see gnome.c in CVS e source - 
GNOME_SetWMCheck();) for proper detection :)

->  a windowmanager not understanding those hints will break quite a lot of apps
->  worse then it breaks yours ... you should pretty much expect that the

I agree But well it is his app - the mroe broken - the more confused
people wil be wher thewy his "alt F1" to change back to desktop 0 and

->  > > windows it's called that for a reason. you are not using gtk properly.
->  > 
->  > i don't use gtk ;) only gdk.
->  that doesn't matter .. you're not even using X properly
->  George

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