Re: [gtk-list] Re: GDK_WINDOW_TEMP

On 11 Oct, Adam Kopacz scribbled:
->  Hi,
->  .
->  > gdk_window_set_decorations(widget->window, 0); to "hint" to the WM to
->  > not decorate the window - then just hope the WM understands this as
->  > more wm's are doing now since gnome uses it.
->  thanx but qiv should work with all WM.. thr temp stuff works with 90% or
->  so..

ok - but you have a borken application then - _TEMP is for TEMPORARY
windows it's called that for a reason. you are not using gtk properly.
gtk alerayd uses WM hints to get handleboxes borderless - gtk alerady
expects some level of behavior form the WM - you're simply ignoreing
this fact by not using it...

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Carsten Haitzler           | _ //__\\ __||_ __\\ ___|| _ /  Red Hat Advanced
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