Re: announce: gnotepad+ v1.0

Andy Kahn wrote:
> Requirements
> ------------
> - A Unix-based operating system with X-Windows.
> - The latest *stable* (not development) version of GTK correctly installed.
>   If you do not have GTK, you can get it at

Which version?

I'm asking because 1.1.2 doesn't look sufficient:

kuolema!joey(ttype):/usr/src/debian/gnp+-1.0/src> make
gcc `gtk-config --cflags` -Wall -ansi -pedantic -g -O2 -DLINUX -D_POSIX_SOURCE   -c msgbar.c -o msgbar.o
gcc -o gnp `gtk-config --libs` about.o appinfo.o clipboard.o debug.o dialog.o doc.o file.o main.o menu.o misc.o msgbar.o msgbox.o prefs.o print.o prjbar.o project.o recent.o search.o toolbar.o win.o
msgbar.o: In function `msgbar_printf':
/usr/src/debian/gnp+-1.0/src/msgbar.c:76: undefined reference to `g_vsprintf'
make: *** [gnp] Error 1

 * we need to use g_vsprintf(), which is in glib/gstring.c, but isn't found in
 * glib.h.  and of course, we can't have gstring.h be public because it might

I would have guessed that you would include a copy of that file to be linked



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