Re: [gtk-list] RC file woes


	i think the std way is to use the style.h functions to "hard" 
change the style.
	or have a look in the gtk's themes gtkrc for bindings & stuff.


On Fri, 27 Nov 1998, Mike Oliphant wrote:

> Ok, I've managed to mostly get me head around gtk's .rc files, but I am
> still having a bit of trouble.
> First, I have a notebook with a number of frames inside it. I want the
> contents of one of the frames to have a different background color.
> Ideally, I want to be able to change the color of a vbox inside of a
> specific frame.
> So, in my .rc file, how can I:
>  o address the *contents* of a frame (in this case a vbox), rather
>    than the frame itself
>  o address a *specific* frame inside of a notebook
> Thanks,
> Mike
> -- 
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