Re: [gtk-list] Re: Help gtk+-1.0.1 !!!!

Marcus Brito wrote:
> >  No soy muy ducho en ingles y espero que alguno de Uds. entienda el
> > espaņol, soy nuevo en la lista y tambien en el mundo de GTK.
> Entiendo um poco de espaņol, mas falo portugues. Espero que me entiendas :)

Have no fear non-Spanish/Portuguese speaking people :)

> > /tmp/cca271821.o(.text+0x32): undefined reference to `gtk_main'
> Precisas informar a el compilador para usar a biblioteca gtk, assim:
> g++ -lgtk
> Espero ter ajudado!

 That's correct, to specify the gtk libraries but it also needs
as far as I know the gdk glib libraries. In any case a more
portable way is to have:

        g++ `/opt/bin/gtk-config --libs`

those are BACK quotes, this Netscape mailer is showing them as
forward quotes so excuse my netscape...


D. Emilio Grimaldo Tunon       Compuware Europe B.V. (Uniface Lab)
Software Engineer	       Amsterdam, The Netherlands  Tel. +31 (0)20 3126 516
*** The opinions expressed hereby are mine and not my employer's ***

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