Re: [gtk-list] Re: static link w/gtk

Matt Rosencrantz wrote:
> I actually did read the man page and so I tried as you suggested:
> gcc  -static -lgtk -lgdk -lglib -lX11 -lXext -lm -o twiz twiz.o interface.o
> io.o
> (*.o had already been built with gcc -c ...)
> unfortunately I just get a big list of undefined symbols(see below). I do
> have the *.a files, they are in the same place as the .so files, and my
> program builds find w/o the static option.  the *.a files were built when I
> installed gtk+... do I need to do something else?


gcc -static -o twiz twiz.o interface.o io.o -lglib -lgdk -lgtk -lX11 -lXext -lm

ld can be picky about the order of linking.


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