dnd misbehaviour


I'm trying to use DnD with GTK 1.1.3 (I haven't been
able to download GTK 1.1.5 yet, no connection at any
time possible from here). It seems to work when dropping
on a simple widget, such as a label. When I tried the
same code with a list box, I got no result at all.
I have connected to any combination of
- the list widget itself
- the list items
- the labels in the list items
but get no response to all "drag_xxxx" events whatsoever.
I also set the drag target before. Given that the same
code works for a label widget, it seems like a bug to me.



Robert Roebling              "Write once, compile, run everywhere"

wxWindows/GTK       http://wesley.informatik.uni-freiburg.de/~wxxt

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