Re: [gtk-list] gTaskMgr 1.0-0 released

On Mon, 23 Nov 1998, D. Emilio Grimaldo Tunon wrote:
> the increase of administrative overhead... What the individual
> desktops/WM have achieved is impressive and attractive, but I
> would rather stick to something that I write once and can
> deploy on any X environment of a given platform. That I can
> achieve with GTK alone :-) for which I am grateful :-)

You can do this with gnome-libs too, they are just libraries. Gnome apps
will run fine without the Gnome environment. And you will save yourself
reinventing all the stuff in gnome-libs, and have a nicer looking app.

(Specifically, Gnome's gtop app runs just fine without Gnome :-)

It looks to me though that your version has lots of nice aspects that gtop
doesn't have, so no big loss. 

With Gnome, you could replace the yucky resource file with GUI config,
(user-configurably) spiff it up a bit with some icons, ship your nice
web-site docs with the application itself on the help menu, add session
management, and use the library to do your arg parsing. You could also
have both your app and gtop impelement some CORBA interface, so other apps
could transparently refer to the user's favorite. Also the gnome-print
facilities might be a nice way to provide printing. 

Gnome's libraries will be freezing soon, so it won't be a moving target


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