Re: [gtk-list] Re: Okay, newbie here

> >When widgets are created, you're given a GtkWidget * that you can use
> >to refer to widgets later.  It's probably best for you to also take a
> >look at the sample programs that come with GTK in the examples
> >directory as they were helpful to me when I first started playing with
> >GTK. 
> So I need to store a pointer to my widgets in a linked list like thing? I've
> got the program to show things, but I need a way to reference those widgets
> after I've created them, in a whole 'nother function. I think I'm going to
> have to do a "widget collection" list or something. I was just hoping there
> was some builtin way of doing it, because the only other way I could think of
> is global variables, which are annoying...

I would REALLY suggest looking at some other GTK+ code if you are thinking
about using a linked list to store widgets in.  Your best bet is to
completely forget most anything GUI code related from VB5 as it will only
do you more harm than good with GTK+ programming.  Also, the header files
to GTK+ are a great reference once you understand the theory behind GTK+.

Marcus Brubaker

I call Christianity the one great curse, the one enormous and innermost
perversion, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are too
venomous, too underhand, too underground and too petty -- I call it the
one immortal blemish of mankind.

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