Re: [gtk-list] Re: Game development - keystroke detection question.

On Sun, 15 Nov 1998, Eric Harlow wrote:
> Ok, so I started the game after getting many good ideas and I'm quite
> far along except that I don't like the key_press_event and the
> key_release_event.  I haven't looked into it, but I'm still working on
> the graphics and wondered if anyone can help me with this - or point
> me somewhere. 
> Few problems are:
> Holding down 1 key and pressing another results in the second key
> being repeated.  No indication that the first key is being pressed. 
> This is bad when you're fleeing a group of bad guys (full thrust key)
> while firing (missile key).  Is there a way to get a list of the keys
> currently pressed? 

You need to keep track of this yourself.  That's how you handle one key
being presses before another is released.

> This would also fix the problem with the shift/ctrl keys where they
> send a "key_press_event" but don't send a "key_release_event". 

This is interesting.  I forget why it does this, but you can definitely
work around in X11.  I will dig through source code...

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