GTK Menu Item Labels

I've got a GTK Item Factory full of menu items (menu
factory).  I want to be able to change the text in the
label for a given menu item at run-time.  Other than
destroying menu objects and adding them again, is there any 
way to change what's in each menu object's label object?
I can get a pointer to the menu widget from the item
factory (through the path string); is it safe to be 
twiddling with the menu's label at this point? 

Is it also possible that I should be deleting the label
item from the menu container and re-adding another?
If this is correct (and it would suit me fine), 
how do I go about getting a pointer to the label in
the container (menu object) so I can destroy it?
Since this menu was built from a factory, I don't have
pointers to the labels I attached to the menu items.

Shaw Terwilliger

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