Re: [gtk-list] Re: Text Widget: getting number of lines?

On Sat, 30 May 1998, Todd Dukes wrote:

> Michael J. Hammel wrote:
> > 
> > In a previous message, Todd Dukes says:
> ...
> > > Is there any way to get the number of lines text that were generated by
> > > the word-wrap so I can set the size of the Gtk_Text widget?
> > 
> > Not to my knowledge, but you can try embedding newlines ("\n") in the text
> > and using a label with left justification instead.  That will make the
> > widget about the same size as the text, except you have to know ahead of
> > time where to stuff the newlines.  This works if the text for the label is
> > statically defined, but could be problematic (re: you'll have to write
> > extra code to stuff in newlines manually) if the text changes dynamically.
> > 
> > Of course if you need to be able to edit this text, then this method won't
> > help, unfortunately.
> > --
> > Michael J. Hammel           |
> > The Graphics Muse           | Error, no keyboard - press F1 to continue.
> >  |
> >
> > 
> > --
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> There are a couple of difficulties I see. They are not
> insurmountable, just tedious. The case I have I do not
> know the text beforehand, it is read from a file. Also
> in order to insert the line breaks in a good spot I would
> have to use the same algorithm the text widget must use
> because the font is perportional. If I have to do that I
> could just count the \n's I would insert, but not insert
> them, then I would know how many lines were used. 
> I guess I will look at the text widget again. It is pretty
> big and I couldn't figure out exactly where the word wrap
> stuff was calculated. I may try to change the text widget so
> this information is accessable. I can't be the only person
> who would need this, can I?
Our gEdit application has a line/column feature, but the line numbers only
count to the bottom of the text widget, so when you move down it stays at
the same number. If you would be willing to try and get the line count
function working, I (and Evan) would be very pleased (As we cannot see how
it is done either, the header doesn;t give much away, and the source file
doesn't either)

> thanks
> Todd
> -- 
> -----------------------------------------
> Todd & Lisa Dukes
> -- 
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