Re: [gtk-list] gtk break the code into files programming question

Return a GtkWidget, and add it as a GtkWidget to the box. It is the
GtkWidget that has the packing attributes, not the menubar, take a look at
the structs at the top of the widget C files.

On Tue, 2 Jun 1998, Travis Loyd wrote:

> In attempting to break up my code I ran into a problem I don't know how to
> solve. In a separate file I create a menu bar and then I want to return
> it. Where the menu bar is created the return value is GtkWidget* but this
> attempt in the parent file fails.
>         menu_bar = GTK_MENU_BAR( make_menu() );
>         gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), menu_bar);
>         gtk_widget_show(window);
> If I declare menu_bar in the parent file as GtkMenuBar the assignment
> works but then the gtk_container_add fails.
> How can I do this?
> Travis Loyd
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