[OFFTOPIC] Re: [gtk-list] Re: Proposed widget

Guys - this actually doesn't belong here, but as not even I conform to my
advices ... :-)

On Sun, 24 May 1998, KC5TJA wrote:

> On 24 May 1998, Sascha Ziemann wrote:
> Then people wonder why AmigaOS runs so much faster than other
> "heavy-weight" operating systems, then they get jealous and start touting,
> "But it doesn't have memory protection!"  TOO BAD!  It doesn't NEED it!

Every serious OS needs memory protection. People (most people I know of) run
(ran) an Amiga (with AmigaOS) for games - The important stuff runs (should
run) on something more suitable for it (e.g. Un*x). Your opinion may differ.

> Therefore, I ask that you have a little more open mind about AmigaOS, and
> how its internals work.  They are porting AmigaOS to the x86 as we speak,
> and when released, I can garuntee you that it *WILL* make a big splash.

Splash. Glug.

> > RAM today. Is it really not acceptable to spend 10% for a full featured
> > widget set?
> Yes.  It is truely unacceptable for me.  I want my RAM and drive space for
> *MY* application's data.  Not a tool.  Would you want to work on your own
> car if the tool you need is the size of your car itself, and just as
> heavy?

Then why would you want to have an OS kernel of > 300-500KB just for running
e.g. awk (135KB here)? Weak argument. 

> PS:  AmigaOS is still perfectly happy on a 20MB harddrive.  If you intend
> on running a world-class application like VideoToaster or some of the
> Amiga office suites, then you're probably looking at needing around 100MB.
> Need Internet?  Another 5MB.  Linux, in contrast, requires 200MB for a
> comparibly equipped system.  Still not bad, but I thought I'd put it into
> perspective.

Somehow new widgets must be collected and brought to the programmers,
otherwise everyone has to implement her/his GtkAnyWidget for her/himself
(useless duplication of work), every program will have the code for
GtkAnyWidget in the app's code (instead of in the shared lib) and if I run all
of the simultaneously it is _my_ RAM that's consumed by all those
implementations of GtkAnyWidget. And you have the nerve to call this clever?

If a widget is of general interest (show me one that isn't) it should be
shipped with gtk - whether in libgtk or libgtkwidgets isn't interesting (to
me) - the code for every widget in the lib and therefore one time on the disk,
code of not used widgets will happily get paged into swapspace - what's the

Nils Philippsen                  @college: nils@rhlx01.rz.fht-esslingen.de
Vogelsangstrasse 115             @home:    nils@wombat.dialup.fht-esslingen.de
D 70197 Stuttgart                phone:    +49-711-6599405

Wer heute an der Bildung spart,          Those who scrimp on education today,
hat morgen noch bloedere Politiker.      get even dumber politicians tomorrow.

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