New widget ideas ...

I was thinking about what kinds of widgets are missing
from GTK. I came up with the following ideas :

1. A 3D-Canvas widget. Something to draw 3D graphics
just by setting some 3D coordinates. This quite difficult
to implement but this is just an idea ...
I believe that we will have a 2-D canvas widget soon ...

2. An widget to display animations. The idea is to have
overlaying layers with moving images (sprites) in each
layer. Imagine each layer being similar to GTKspinbutton
but changing location over a background image.
This can be used to easily create games or multimedia.

3.There is no sound widget yet. Maybe there should be one ...

4.A sensitive pixmap (== imagemap) widget where each area
could trigger a signal ...

5.An image background (not only color) could be added to
every widget if one would like to use it ...

6.An image tile option could be set to the pixmap widget
(or the canvas). This should tile the pixmap all over
the widget area ...

Well that's all for this morning.
Keep the flames off ...

Mike &

                                          (@ @)
    Mike D. Flouris   -   Institute of Computer Science
       Foundation for Research & Technology, Hellas.

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