Re: [Q] Gtk+ is not working with Korean IM

Young-jae Chang <> writes:

> On 19 May 1998, Owen Taylor wrote:
> > Are you running ./configure as:
> > 
> >  ./configure --with-locale=ko
> > 
> > ./configure can't see the LANG environment variable, so need
> > to use the --with-locale option.
> >
> We(most korean) modified ko locale a bit...
> some application wich use 'locale' prints warnnings..
> (like Perl) so we modified ko locale...(look like one byte lang.)
> and it results configure script don't include -DX_LOCALE flag...
> can you add option to configure like --force-DX_LOCALE or something?

I'm not sure that would have any advantage over running 
./configure as:

 CPPFLAGS="-DX_LOCALE" ./configure
> > This seems to be a bug in HanIM. (You can trigger it by modifying
> > the example programs that come with HanIM - in overspot.c, change:
> > 
> >     if (XFilterEvent(&event, None) == True)
> > to
> >     if (XFilterEvent(&event, window) == True)
> > )
> > 
> > If you just make the change to gdk_event_get(), you'll notice
> > that things work a bit strange. You can only type hangul in the
> > entry when the cursor is directly over the entry. Otherwise
> > you'll enter roman characters. I think this can be worked
> > around by modifiying GTK to use XNFocusWindow for the toplevel
> > window.
> > 
> > But there is also another bug. Over-the-spot entry doesn't work at all
> > in GTK with HanIM. To enter any Korean text, you need to run the GTK+
> > program as
> > 
> >  program --xim-preedit nothing
> > 
> > So that it uses the root-window preedit style. I don't know what is
> > causing this problem.
> > 
> > > can anyone tell me how to use hanIM correctly?
> > > Which is victim(?) hanIM or Gtk+ ?   (or me?)
> > 
> > Well, it is not you. I can't figure out what GTK could be doing
> > wrong. (And the IM support works fine with Japanese input methods).
> > But there probably is a bug somewhere in GTK.
> That's making me crazy~ hanIM works fine with most I18N'd application
> Eh... I know Gtk+ works with kinput2.. it works htt(IM in solaris)..
> I want to know why Gtk+ hate hanIM... :(
> unfortunately we(korean) don't have Free IM..
> hanIM is free but it's distributed only binary...

That is definitely a problem. It would be _much_ easier to figure out
what was going wrong with over-the-spot entry if one could trace
through the hanIM source code.
> but can you spend your time on make them work?

I spent an hour or so today. I can't afford to spend much more time
than that trying to track down the problem, but if you can identify
what is going wrong, I'll certainly fix it in GTK.

My guess is hanIM doesn't like something about the preedit attributes
that GTK is setting. (These are set in the call to gdk_ic_new() from
gdk_entry_realize(), and various calls to gdk_ic_set_attr(). But I
tried changing overspot.c to use the same attributes, and it seemed to

> so we will make GPL'd IM for korean... but it will take long time..
> eh... can you tell me where can I find I18N information 
>       I have no knowldge about I18N and XIM... duh...
> (so many thing i want to tell... but 
>  as you know . I can read English but writing is so hard...)

The Xlib manual has information about writing clients:

(This includes everything you should need to know to understand
the hanIM examples and GTK+)

If you want to know how to write Input Methods, the information
is in:


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