Re: [gtk-list] Moving tree items

Alistair Cunningham wrote:

> I have a tree item in a tree, and wish at run time to move this item to
> another place in the same tree. Can this be done without destroying the
> item?
At the moment, it's not possible.

> gtk_tree_remove_items() destroys the item, so it's no good. The item
> itself contains a subtree, so re-creating it again isn't really on.
> I've tried various combinations of:
> gtk_widget_hide(item);
> item->parent = NULL;
> gtk_tree_append(); in the appropriate place.
> At best this corrupts the tree, at worst segfaults.
Normal, some parameters are initialized during widget creation.

> Any ideas?
Yes... I need to modify the widget to authorize this.
I've some modifications to do. Another one.
I hope that will be fixe quickly.

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