Re: [gtk-list] Positioning widgets freely inside a window

On 13 May 1998, Sami Juhani Kallio wrote:

>Sorry the basic question, but I didn't find reference in the FAQ nor
>the documentation.
>Is it possible to position widgets relatively to the parent widget? I
>am trying to do the following:
>    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), button1); 
>    gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (window), button2);

  I think, the container object can have ONLY one child. Use
table or hbox or vbox or (what are the names of it) instead.

>But only button1 is shown. I guess I would need a different widget as
>a container for buttons (like Motif bulletin board). How do I do that?

Petr Tomasek

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