Re: [gtk-list] Re: Borderless Widgets

On Thu, 7 May 1998, Shevek wrote:

> That's window manager dependent, surely. olvwm uses windowshape
> extensions, but handle boxes have title bars on them. fvwm dosen't put
> title bars on the handle boxes. I think some windowmanagers don't even put
> title bars on x11amp etc. The applications get access to the drawing space
> in the window, but what happens around the edge is the windowmanager's
> problem. All you can do is support the WM extensions for as many WMs as
> poss.

That's not entirely what I'd expressed.  I know that the top-level windows
are the domain of window managers, but I'm referring to individual GTK
widgets.  There are times when it could be beneficial to have a borderless

I *suppose* one could get away with it by using a DrawingArea widget, and
then custom handling the mouse and keyboard events manually...  That's a
thought which I hadn't considered before.  The only problem with that,
however, is the complete lack of GDK documentation.  :(

The reason I'm asking is because I'd like to prototype a few user
interface elements for my OS under Linux, where I have a debugger to work

      KC5TJA/6     |                  -| TEAM DOLPHIN |-
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