Re: [gtk-list] Re: GTK+ Menu Styles...

I really like this idea.  And I don't think it would need any rewriting of
any code that uses GTK.  For instance, if a user pulled a menu off and
made it floating, the menu widget would open a new window for that menu. 
If the user wanted the menu bar to appear across the top of their screen,
the menubar widget simply makes itself 0 pixels tall and then creates a
menu bar across the top.  Really, as long as the user doesn't want the
menu to appear anywhere within the application other than where the
application put it, there should be no neccessary rewrite of the
application code.  Wow.  Cool.

On Tue, 5 May 1998, Shevek wrote:

> On Tue, 5 May 1998 wrote:
> [SNIP]
> > I think that Menus should be *very* configurable.  I know this
> > falls under Raster and his "theme"ing GTK+, but I think that menus should
> > be a very flexable widget.
> > 
> > The ability to have the WindowManager be able to say to an app,
> > "Put menus here, like so." is a very nice feature.  I'd like to 
> > let a theme be able to be setup that would let the menu go at the
> > top of a screen (ala Mac) or be mounted vertically (ala NextStep)
> > or ripped off and pinned to the desk top (ala Openview).  For
> > something like the GIMP I'd like to be able to toggle this.  I
> > think I'd prefer the NextStep ones in that case, since I'd want
> > more vertical space.
> > 
> > Just an idea, but I love being able to drag around everything to 
> > get it out of the way. :)
> > 
> >
> >From the point of view of the applications programmer, I have just put
> everything in a handle box, the button bar, the menu bar, the lot. Each
> has its' own. It makes the application in it's essence very small indeed
> (one tiny menu bar along the top of the screen, a la` mac and one
> minimised icon) but for the windoze users, or those who like the style,
> they can reassemble the whole lump into a complete application GUI as they
> might prefer.
> My view on this is that applications should take up the minimum screen
> space necessary to do the task with no loss of functionality. Of course,
> in this, xterms are supreme, as you can set them to unreadable font, and
> just watch events if you want. I don't feel it's the job of the library to
> interface with the windowmanager to produce this type of functionality,
> however. I would say it is the job of the applications programmer to
> handle it.
> If, however, there were a standardised set of command line or style
> options that all GTK applications could read, the only thing I can think
> of at this second is 'Detatch menubar and give it X geometry NxN+n+n' or
> 'Detatch buttonbar etc' then this type of styling could be applied in much
> the same way that X geometries are specified to X toolkit clients. I think
> anything else gets too window manager dependent, and I dislike any program
> with features that rely on either overfeatured or rococo windowmanagers.
> --
> S.
> GM/CS/MU -d+ H+>++ s+: !g p2 au0 !a w+++ v-(---) C++++$ UL++++$ UB+
> US++ UI+++$ P+>++++ L++++$ 3+ E--- N+ K !W(-----) M+(-) !V -po+ Y+ t+
> 5++ !j !R G' !tv b+++ D++ B--- e+ u+* h++ f? r-- n---- y?
> -- 
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