[gtk-list] Re: Announce : new irc client

Stuart Parmenter wrote:

> Since we now have about 5 different IRC clients

I'd like to try them. Can you give me some address ?

> I would really hope that you guys take this message seriously, 
> and would join together to work on one client..  

I entirely agree with you. It happens that I begun to wrote this
program about one month ago for my personnal use.I didn't knew that
some peoples were working on that. 

Please believe that I'm not wanting to do any sort of competition with
others irc client. I distributed it because I've made it, it seems
to work for me and that's all. By now everybody is free to use it
or not.

> How about one that doesn't start with "g" ? :)

I first thought to name it Bugzy because it's the my first program
and it may contain a lot of bugs. Gnirc is short and means a lot, 
that's why i choosed it.

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