Re: [gtk-list] Re: Windows NT port of GTK+

> imagine for a moment that i'm a photoshop diehard. i use my school to buy
> all of adobe's products at discount prices. i know it all. then i load up
> this "Gimp" thing.. they say it's free, so what the heck. wait a second..
> i get this one little window.. what do i do with it? ok, i figured out how
> to open an image.. i found the right-click menu.. it seems interesting so
> far.. i try the tools, i try some plugins.. man, this thing is SLOW! so
> much for crapware, er, i mean freeware. i'll stick to the PROFESSIONAL
> program.

  Yikes!!  The Gimp slow?!?!?!  I never noticed this problem before.

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