Tutorial patch.

Hi all,

Here's a small patch to the tutorial so that it will now say to use gtk-config 
when compiling. I don't have any sgml tools, so please do check the syntax.

I'll upload it to ftp.gtk.org as gtk-johannes-980319-1.patch.



--- gtk_tut.sgml.old	Thu Mar 19 15:18:17 1998
+++ gtk_tut.sgml	Thu Mar 19 15:23:31 1998
@@ -258,20 +258,20 @@
 To compile use:
-gcc -Wall -g helloworld.c -o hello_world -L/usr/X11R6/lib \
-    -lgtk -lgdk -lglib -lX11 -lXext -lm
+gcc -Wall -g helloworld.c -o hello_world `gtk-config --cflags` \
+    `gtk-config --libs`
-The libraries above must all be in your default search paths, if not, add
--L&lt;library directory&gt; and gcc will look in these directories for
-the needed
-libraries.  For instance, on my Debian Linux system, I have to add
-<tt>-L/usr/X11R6/lib</> for it to find the X11 libraries.
+This uses the program <tt>gtk-config</>, which comes with gtk. This
+program 'knows' what compiler switches are needed to compile programs
+that use gtk. <tt>gtk-config --cflags</> will output a list of include
+directories for the compiler to look in, and <tt>gtk-config --libs</>
+will output the list of libraries for the compiler to link with and
+the directories to find them in.
-The order of the libraries are significant.  The linker has to know what
-functions it needs from a library before it processes it.
-The libraries we are linking in are:
+The libraries that are usually linked in are:
 <item>The GTK library (-lgtk), the widget library, based on top of GDK.
 <item>The GDK library (-lgdk), the Xlib wrapper.

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