Why isn't GtkDialog a dialog?

I personally don't like my window manager to place any windows by
itself because I don't trust it's judgement on where they should go.
I have, however, gotten used to dialogs just coming up and the GIMP
was starting to annoy me because sometimes in a give ScriptFu function
I would have to place up to thirty little progress bars.  Because of
this I decided to have a look at the code that created them and
realised that the reason they do this is because they create
themselves with gtk_dialog_new().  This, as you probably know, creates a
window with a vbox and an hbox; it does not however set the type of
the window to GTK_WINDOW_DIALOG, so the WM thinks it's a top level,
not a dialog.  I'm in the process of making the changes to gtk+ to fix
this but I've never done anything in gtk development before so I
wanted to make sure that there wasn't a reason that this was done like

Thanks a lot for your help and a great widget set,

Christopher A. Craig <ccraig@cc.gatech.edu>
"We all know UNIX can do anything, because its NP-complete." Ray Anderson
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