Re: 0.99.7 Entry (editable?) bug

Tony Gale <> writes:

> [1  <text/plain; us-ascii (7bit)>]
> The Entry widget seems to have a problem handling the insertion of
> some characters in the character set.
> The code below illustrates the problem. Hitting F1 will insert a
> character with code /244 (a kind of square with a diagonal line off of
> each corner). Hitting F2 inserts an 'h'.

As a sidenote, that character is the "general currency symbol".
It was intended as a place-holder in a font for a local currency
symbol (iso-8859-1 has, I believe, only yen, pounds, dollars,
and cents). But since iso-8859-1 is meant as an international
character set, which is _not_ supposed to be changed according
to locality, the inclusion probably was a mistake.

Though perhaps it has some usefulness as a doodad.
> To see the problem, hit F2 a couple of times, and then use backspace
> to delete the h's. Do the same with F1 and you will see that all the
> text in the entry since the first F1 gets deleted with one backspace
> key press.
> You can see this more vividly by pressing F1, and then typing some
> text into the entry and hitting backspace - all the text disappears.

[ Your F1/F2 really shouldn't be inserting these things - they
  should be generating the appropriate key syms for F1, F2, etc ]
> PS. Why, you may ask, would I want to insert such characters in the
> first place. I use them in my irc client to allow the user to mark
> the start/end of a region of bold text, for example.

Hopefully, not by hitting F1/F2. Unless you specifically hook
to those key symbols.


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