Re: [gtk-list] interface questions/proposals

Raj Dutt wrote:
> i mentioned this before, but it was hidden in the midst of other questions
> and a really bad topic sentence :)
> i am really impressed with both the quality and the look of the gtk widget
> set.. but there are three issues that really bug me. these are not at all
You only mention two issues and a 'ps' =) (just nagging ;) )

> architectural changes so they wont break anything :)
> firstly, the panes implementation. currently, the user can only change the
> size of the panes by a small rectangular box placed at the bottom corner of
> the pane. This is the way it is done in Motif, but i see no reason why it
> should be implemented this way in gtk. i propose that the pane widget be
> modified so that size control can be done from any pane boundary..
> secondly, the scrollbars. Right now, they are implemented ala
> windows95/motif/MacOS.. which is probably the most intuitive for most users.
> However, i must take this oppurtunity to propose the alternative style (that
> i have seen on some IRIX systems i believe) where the scroll buttons are on
> the bottom.. this may take some getting used to but is really a timesaver. i
> think that the mainstream can easily adapt and will eventually be pleased..

I think this the user should be able to decide this. So implement both
(or more)

> ps - (just one question = - there was some discussion on this list about
> the way that progress bar was updated. some feel that the progress bar should
> be updated instantly (ie non queued updating) is this being considered atm?


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