Confused about GtkFactory semantics.

I'm trying to get a handle on GtkSubfactories.  I examined the sample
code in the tutorial, and I looked over the source, but I still had a
few things I was confused about.

It is supposed to be 1 GtkFactory per menubar, or can you have one per
application, and store each menubar as a separate subfactory?  The
reason I ask is that you usually have definitions like this:

  <Main>/Edit/Select All...


This would imply that you might be able to do something like this to
specify multiple menubars for different windows:

  <Main>/Edit/Select All...
  <OtherWin>/Edit/Select All...

Looking at the code suggests that this won't actually work, but I
wasn't sure.  If it won't work, then what's the purpose of the leading
<Main> or whatever, since all of the menu items in a given factory
will share the same top level (i.e <Main>) string?

More generally, what's the real distinction between factories and
subfactories?  Is it that you have one subfactory per menu (i.e. a
cascaded menu has a subfactory for each level?  If so, does this mean
that you can't just add items like:


and expect all the sublevels to be created recursively?

Thanks, and please point me at the right place to RTFM if there is

Rob Browning <>
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