Re: [gtk-list] Re: Documentation?

> So.... When will there be better documentation for GTK+ 'cause I'm new
> also and I'm really having a hard time with some stuff. thanks

You really ought to give gtk application source code more of a chance. ;)
Often times reading the documentation *after* braving away on parts of
gimp source for a few hours proves to be time very well spent.  The
documentation that does exist almost always seems to make more sense,
and often times you find *after* grinding through the code that you actually
don't need the documentation for that particular problem any more.  Also,
documentation has a somewhat higher chance of being incorrect than the code
that it purports to document, simply because of the nature of the time lag
between the two.  None of this is an attempt to dump on the docs, rather
it's more of a pro for getting your hands dirty with real working source,
because you'll end up doing it eventually anyway. :)


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