Re: [gtk-list] Re: GTK themeing code...........

At 07:07 AM 3/6/98 -0500, you wrote:
>On Thu, 5 Mar 1998 wrote:
>> Okay.. finally I'm happy with my API for buttons and themeing - and
>> have finally hunted down and destroyed some bugs - I woudl liek to put
>> up my gtk tree on cvs now - but as a separate tree - not inside the gtk
>> tree, so people can download it, make comments, see what the api is -
>> critique, make changes etc. befor ei continue onto my next victim (the
>> next widget.. whichever that one is)
>> does anoyone have any bojections if i commit a new gtk+ tree
>> (gtk+themes) ?

heh. for what it's worth green light from me.
i really want to see this personally. how will this integrate into release
gtk and gnome?
(sorry, i haven't really been following your development until recently)

best regards,
	raj dutt

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