 Yes another version of GXSNMP is available for your tinkering pleasure.

  Whats new:
   Thanks to Jochen Friedrich, rather then just browseing mibs, now we can
   set them :)
   Lots o bug fixes. (including the annoying configure bug from the last 
   It now has its own snmplib bundled in, its recommended to use this for
   reliable operation. (This is the default).
   Gtk 0.99.4 is _required_ it will not work with anything less. (This should
   be out soon)
   This is the same version that will be in the next gnome code escape.
   There is a mailing list now, subscribe with mail to
   and put subscribe gxsnmp in the message body.

I've gotten some very good feedback from a few users, keep it comming I might
be a tad slow in answering mail but I will answer it eventualy.

So fire them ftp clients up and go beat on it and lemme know if any problems
pop up.

A boring web page has been setup for your convience:

To get this latest, greatest piece of work point your favorite tool at: 
  -- OR --

Its a symbolic link that points at the latest version.

Problems, Bug Reports, contributions send em on to <>

For a more complete list of whats been done have a look at the ChangeLog 
file in the archive.


Gregory A. Mclean   |-------------------------------------------------------|
Systems Engineer    |          This space for rent!!                        |
Random Access Inc.  |                                                       |
InterNIC: GM1152    ---------------------------------------------------------

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