GTK Signal handlers return TRUE or FALSE?

<Posted this once on gnome-list, but here is probably more appropriate>

The way I read the gtk tutorial, a signal handler returning TRUE
says "I handled it, don't bother with the default handler".

In particular, I'm looking at the "select_row" signal in a gtkclist.
If I return true, I would expect that the default handler wouldn't
get executed and thus there would be no selection made. (Maybe hoping
is a better word than expecting).

In general, are widgets being designed to act differently when
a signal handler returns true vs. false.  What is supposed to be
done before an overriding signal is invoked and what happens after?

As another example, what should happen if I intercept a button click
event?  Should gtk go ahead and draw the button already clicked?  Am
I then responsible for drawing it unclicked?  Or do I just assume
that my callback/handler is just a courtesy and gtk doesn't give a
flying f*ck what I return to it.


 I love Saturday morning cartoons, what classic humour!  This 
 is what entertainment is all about ... Idiots, explosives
 and falling anvils.     -- Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Watterson

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