Font selection patch

I've created a patch for the font selection widget, but can't access at present, so I've put it at the usual place:

Can someone let me know if they've applied it, so I won't have to bother
uploading it.


gtkfontsel.h -	Fixed GtkFontSelectionClass - I forgot to change parent class
			to GtkNotebookClass when splitting the widget in two.
		Also updated some comments.

gtkfontsel.c -	Fixed bug when toggling 'Allow scaled bitmaps' button without
			a font selected.
		Fixed bug in set_font_name - I hadn't updated the code to
			search for the style in the font_style clist - it was
			still assuming the style row was equal to its index,
			 but it isn't any more.
		Changed 'Reset' button on filter page to 'Clear Filter'.
		Deleted old code relating to the old 'Filter Fonts' toggle
			button (which I had commented out).
		Updated some comments.
		Cleared 'Actual Fontname' if no font is set.

testgtk.c    -	Fixed problem when 'OK' button is pressed - it was destroying
		the GtkFontSelection instead of the GtkFontSelectionDialog.

Damon (

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