Double click in clist, and other questions

  I am having a small problem with the double click events on a clist.  I
have registered my signal handler, and it gets called when you double click
an item in the clist.  The problem is, it also gets called when you double
click on the clist's scrollbar.  I haven't been able to find a way to test
in the code wether the double click came from clicking an item or the
scrollbar.  Any solution?

  Also, I am making a small program that has three panes on it.  Is there a
way that I can query the size of the panes so that I can save that
information and then the next time the app is run, make the panes show the
same size as when the app was closed?

  Any help appreciated.  I just started with Gtk four days ago, and I must
say I am really impressed.


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