GtkFontSelection v0.7!


Yet another version of GtkFontSelection (0.7) is at:



Combined Registry & Encoding fields into one 'Charset' field in the Filter
page and Font Info page (and also internally), and rearranged the page
accordingly. The 'Apply' button has been removed - filters are now
automatically applied. I've also made the vertical scrollbars 'Automatic'
rather than 'Always' (any preference?).

Removed use of gtk_entry_adjust_scroll(). Hopefully GtkEntry will be fixed
so this won't matter. (Note: the problem is that the preview text
disappears after selecting certain fonts - e.g. open look cursor.)

Added '[Filtered]' to the 'Font:' label on the main page when a filter is
in effect, to try to make it more obvious that a filter is in effect.
Also changed the 'Filter Fonts' toggle button to a simple
'Clear Filter' button to see which is preferred (I prefer the toggle!)

Added fontsel->selected size which holds the last size explicitly set by
the user. So if the user selects different fonts, we try to show the
nearest size to this.


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